Wednesday night was nothing special for me... Went to the gym, went to the store, came home.... I had several ladies coming over for a new play group I am in, so I decided to do something easy for dinner.... I made brown sugar and garlic chicken... A recipe I had found on Pinterest, and decided to have some Rice Pilaf that I had made a few days before....
Around 11, I wasn't able to fall asleep, so I decided to have a beer and two pretzel rods.
I was out like a light.
About 1 A.M., I woke up to horrible stomach pain. I immediately was in the bathroom, feeling like death was coming. I won't give anymore details, as what happened wasn't pretty.
By 6:45 A.M. my friend Jenni had arrived with 3 gatorades, 2 bags of goldfish, soup, and water bottles in tow.
By 8 A.M., I made the call to go to the hospital when my friend Dottie arrived. I was feeling weak, and unable to eat, and my biggest fear was the my milk supply would dry up. We took Kennedy over to my friend, Tammy's house, and my other friend Lisa Anne, arrived to help out Tammy, as they both have small babies.
When I got to the ER, I was feeling better, ruling out the flu, but still feeling like I should get some fluids.
The doctor started asking me for details, and I said, "I just kept throwing up rice."
He asked if it was reheated. I looked at him, wondering why in the world would he ask that, and responded with a coy "yes".
He then told me This...
Kennedy and I the day after mommy's morning at the hospital...