
Baby Control

Pregnancy was truly an amazing thing. Everyone who would tell me that while I was pregnant, I would look at with utter disgust. I spent the first 12 weeks with my head in the toilet.. I couldn't keep anything down. I gained almost 40 pounds and wobbling became my new mode of transportation. It wasn't till after I actually gave birth that I finally realized how amazing pregnancy was.

My tiny little miracle was here after 9 months .

I love me some Kennedy Grace. And she is growing up far too fast.... But the one thing I don't love is the idea of becoming pregnant again..yet...

 When my husband gets home there is a possibility of baby #2 happening unless we take precautions.

As a breastfeeding momma, I'm a little concerned here. BF mommas are constantly told what foods we can and can not eat, as it will affect the baby. Recently, I had to cut out milk (which is like crack to me), because Kennedy was spitting up so much.... I can only have a margarita (or two), without worrying....

Now someone tell me again.... How does birth control not affect the baby? 

Does anyone have any recommendations? 

Besides abstinence. 🙈

Austin missed most of my pregnancy. He would ask me everyday to see Kennedy and I.

He was home to clean up my mess...

I threw up milk down his back one night before we moved into our new home.

He still loves me.