My precious Poms

I have been beyond busy. I know, I'm a SAHM, what could I possibly be doing?! Usually everyday I try and go to the gym.

Today is an off day, and it couldn't be a more perfect day to snuggle up with Kennedy, Olive, and Elmo...

On Friday Elmo and Olive went to the groomer. They were extemely smelly and their nails were so long I was fearing for Ken getting cut!

After I picked them up, they were so adorable... And Elmo even decided he needed to sit with Kennedy... Talk about cute....


Most likely if you are a female between the ages of 10 and 90, you have a Pinterest... Whether you're planning a wedding to your pseudo boyfriend, a NYE party, or a fabulous new outfit, Pinterest is always there.

With that said, in the past several years, Pinterest has been making women everywhere feel terrible about themselves. I can't even tell you how many cakes, drinks, and headbands have been wasted. I've seen those hilarious "Pinterest fails" memes, and I wish I would have documented mine.

But, along with the fails, there have been some successes!
Headband I made for Kennedy that I saw on Pinterest.

Kennedy's Godmother, Liz, her Aunt Honey, and her Gramma Jenny all came together to paint my Pinterest inspired nursery.

I have a lot of goals for 2014. When my husband gets home we want to start eating clean (or cleanER) and to do that, I plan on using Pinterest a ton, so I want to start practicing now! 

Does anyone have any Pinterest fails to share? Or better yet, Pinterest successes? Please share!

Trying to lose that last 5-10 pounds of baby weight? DON'T do it this way....

Wednesday night was nothing special for me...  Went to the gym, went to the store, came home.... I had several ladies coming over for a new play group I am in, so I decided to do something easy for dinner.... I made brown sugar and garlic chicken... A recipe I had found on Pinterest, and decided to have some Rice Pilaf that I had made a few days before....

Around 11,  I wasn't able to fall asleep, so I decided to have a beer and two pretzel rods.

I was out like a light.

About 1 A.M., I woke up to horrible stomach pain. I immediately was in the bathroom, feeling like death was coming. I won't give anymore details, as what happened  wasn't pretty.

By 6:45 A.M. my friend Jenni had arrived with 3 gatorades, 2 bags of goldfish, soup, and water bottles in tow.

By 8 A.M., I made the call to go to the hospital when my friend Dottie arrived. I was feeling weak, and unable to eat, and my biggest fear was the my milk supply would dry up. We took Kennedy over to my friend, Tammy's house, and my other friend Lisa Anne, arrived to help out Tammy, as they both have small babies.

When I got to the ER, I was feeling better, ruling out the flu, but still feeling like I should get some fluids.

The doctor started asking me for details, and I said, "I just kept throwing up rice."

He asked if it was reheated. I looked at him, wondering why in the world would he ask that, and responded with a coy "yes".

He then told me This...

Kennedy and I the day after mommy's morning at the hospital... 

Stop Growing!

I know this is going to sound nuts, but my baby is growing far too fast. She will be 19 weeks this weekend, and I honestly am getting too sentimental... I can't wait for my husband to get home, but at the same time, when he gets home, she will be even older...

To get over my crazy mom feelings tonight... I read the following posts on mean notes kids write to their parents....

I have a feeling I'm in for it... 

I was a little sassy gal when I was young. Please Kennedy Grace, take after your father...

Diet, smiet....

The day I delivered Kennedy, I weighed 200.2 pounds. I was not small during my pregnancy. While I don't feel I ate that much more than usual, I did eat quite a bit. I also skipped out on a whole lot of exercise. I would go on hikes, but usually only once a week or so.

I am currently down to about 170 pounds. I am about 5'10", but I am about 10 pounds over what I would like to be.

While breastfeeding, quick fixes aren't really reccomended. I would love to do a 1,000 calorie a day diet, but I care more about nourishing my baby than losing that last ten pounds. I have, however, tried to cut back on some calories, mainly those calories that aren't the good ones.

I also cut milk out of my diet, and for those who know me, knows this means I love my child. I usually consume about 1 gallon in 48-72 hours. I've only made this change within the last week, and I can already tell it's affecting her (spitting up much less) and me (less bloating).

Today, I saw someone post about these sugar-free gummy bears, and I about died laughing! 
Have any of you tried any extreme dieting? If so, which one? How'd it go?

I want to live through you until I can do it!
I've never shared this picture before, because it isn't very flattering, but it's the first time I've ever held my sweet baby Kennedy.

Getting Started

I know I'm fairly new to the blogging game, but I'm already enjoying it immensely. I have made my Instagram account public, and I've connected with several really neat girls who have significant others in the military.

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one going through it alone, but I know I'm not, which is reassuring.   I sometimes find myself getting testy with people who complain about their husbands working late or being gone for shorter periods of time.

I guess I've just learned to be strong through all of this. I never, ever thought I'd be a "single, married mom" as I like to refer to myself.

I had a great friend come over tonight to help me with Kennedy while I went and got my nails done and got a #spraytan 

The little break I received helped me clear my head. I'm not the only one with struggles. A lot of women truly are raising a baby alone, or a lot of women are raising a baby with a partner who doesn't care. 

Im so blessed to have an awesome husband, but also all of my friends I've made while in Colorado Springs. I can't believe all of the amazing women I have met here.
My mom has also been extremely supportive during this pregnancy and while Austin has been gone.

Baby Control

Pregnancy was truly an amazing thing. Everyone who would tell me that while I was pregnant, I would look at with utter disgust. I spent the first 12 weeks with my head in the toilet.. I couldn't keep anything down. I gained almost 40 pounds and wobbling became my new mode of transportation. It wasn't till after I actually gave birth that I finally realized how amazing pregnancy was.

My tiny little miracle was here after 9 months .

I love me some Kennedy Grace. And she is growing up far too fast.... But the one thing I don't love is the idea of becoming pregnant again..yet...

 When my husband gets home there is a possibility of baby #2 happening unless we take precautions.

As a breastfeeding momma, I'm a little concerned here. BF mommas are constantly told what foods we can and can not eat, as it will affect the baby. Recently, I had to cut out milk (which is like crack to me), because Kennedy was spitting up so much.... I can only have a margarita (or two), without worrying....

Now someone tell me again.... How does birth control not affect the baby? 

Does anyone have any recommendations? 

Besides abstinence. 🙈

Austin missed most of my pregnancy. He would ask me everyday to see Kennedy and I.

He was home to clean up my mess...

I threw up milk down his back one night before we moved into our new home.

He still loves me.